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Recipe: 𝘾𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙮 𝙈𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙖 𝙋𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙚

Updated: Mar 8, 2022

Creamy Matcha Penne
Creamy Matcha Penne

There is always a spark beyond imagination in our universe👨‍🚀! We are always looking for new possibilities with our beloved Mathca Milk Spread. We can now proudly say that there is no limit!! Our Matcha Milk Spread is an A+ “Match-A” going smoothly with pastry and milk, it’s also surprisingly good in cooking! We are beyond excited to share our exclusive recipe! "𝘾𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙮 𝙈𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙖 𝙋𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙚"🍵 This pasta recipe is simple but incredibly delicious. The flavour of matcha is just soooooooo good with milk and bacon. You can feel the creamy and rich texture well blended with matcha, you won't feel greasy and guilty even if you're on diet!


Serve 2 Ingredients: Penne 150g Mushroom 120g Bacon 120g Shallot 50g Cheddar cheese 60g Milk 200g Chroma Matcha Milk Spread 3Tbsp



  1. Cut Bacon, Mushroom, and Shallot into pieces

  2. Boil water and cook penne for 10-12 mins

  3. Swirl the Matcha Spread with milk until the spread dissolve

  4. Add little oil into a frying pan, fry the sliced bacon, shallot, and mushroom accordingly until they are lightly browned, stirring occasionally.

  5. Add the swirled milk, when it boils, put in the Cheddar and stir until it dissolves in the sauce.

  6. Add the penne, stir well and Ta-Da!!🤩











長通粉 150g

蘑菇 120g

煙肉 120g

紅蔥 50g

車打芝士 60g

牛奶 200g

Chroma 抹茶牛奶醬 3湯匙



1. 煙肉、蘑菇及紅蔥切小塊

2. 煲滾水後煮熟長通粉 (時間約10-12分鐘)

3. 牛奶及抹茶醬拌勻至完全溶解

4. 加入少許油到鑊中,油熱後按順序加入煙肉、蘑菇及紅蔥略炒至金黃色

5. 加入抹茶牛奶溶液,煮滾後加入車打芝士並攪拌直至芝士完全溶解

6. 加入煮熟的長通粉拌勻醬汁,Ta-Da!

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